Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey Ya' goes it! So not a whole lot to update over here in these parts. Well, actually there's a whole lot goin - google news it if your interested. Just got back from Uganda this past week, I had to take the trip to Kampala to purchase a whole bunch of steel - 256 tons to be exact. Kind of a cool experience to be a part of that, kinda a cool experience to visit Uganda...kinda a cool experience to eat cheese and drink milk again. I think in the 3 1/2 days I was there I had 7 bowls of cereal and 9 servings of ice cream. My only problem is - if you couldn't tell - I have a bit of a problem overindulging...that wouldn't be that bad of a problem but if your not use to a particular food, say dairy, your body has a way of telling you. Anyhow, enough of that...sorry. Cool things I did in Uganda

  1. Ate at an authentic Indian restaurant...who knew Indian food was so tasty. I think shoe polish would have be nice at that point. Very good though.
  2. Rafted the Nile River. Probably one of the coolest things I've done in Africa....very intense class 4 and 5 rapids. After the all day trip I felt like I'd been in a 12 round fight.
  3. On the way to raft - Left Kampala at 7am and drove 90 minutes to Ginja - got to see the Ugandan country-side...Truly is the "Pearl of Africa"
  4. Ate Dairy....did I already say that?

But come Tuesday morning I was back in Yei plugging along. Something to note - I've developed quite an affinity for Yei. I'm comfortable's like I crave getting back to life as normal in Yei. Oh, by the way I was able to travel to South Sudan's capital city, Juba, a few weeks back. Wow, that city is nasty and expensive! I think the only thing left for me to truly become Sudanese is, 1) get Malaria and 2) eat goat intestines - both of which I plan on doing! and I thought drinking the water was a bad idea. Listen guys, you either commit fully or you don't! Bon appetite.

Thank you Lord for family, friends and thoes commited to Prayer. Love you guys so much!



Unknown said...

Hey Joey !!! We really cant wait till you get back buddy your presaence is truly missed here ....I know the first spot on this page should be your baby or Mommy Wilson but i couldnt help it when i saw a new post hahaah ...always praying for you and you need to hurry home so we can go sky diving or someothing crazy ...luv ya bro ...stay in the word ...Dany

Novella said...

Ok i dont think getting malaria would result in you becoming a real would just prove you're CRAZY and I mis u! :P I did like your blog was very "informative"! Hey Be careful and dont miss me too much ;) Joey i was reading last night in Psalm but 26:1-3 made me think of you! You have been so obedient in following/serving Christ; I know you only have 5 mons left, but my prayer for you now is that God would show you His will for what is to come with an even greater love that will only draw you closer to Him! :) I am so proud of you...I love you! Luv, Vella

Anonymous said...

Hey Joey,

I do not think you know iread your blog but i do. brother i really missed to see you physically while you were here in Kampala. By the way you passed very close to my University on your way to Jinja--its about 25 mins Kampala-Jinja Highway! Hopefully the Lord wil inite us at His own timing--You know the Lord's timing is the Best.

Maybe what you forgot also is that inorder to be a Ugandan you must not fear Ebola and also Love LRA Leader Kony.

Tell all my buddies i said hi--esp. tell Besser to come to Uganda too to buy Posho and beans for the crews.


Unknown said...

Hi Joey...
12 weeks till you return
We can't wait
Love you son

Unknown said...

Hi joey...just checking in to see if there are any updates, only one month till your contract is up..
That's amazing son...

Unknown said...

and counting ..............Vella is so excited and so are we!!! cant wait till you get back im really proud of you big bro i luv ya and be careful we want you in good health ....( NO LAKES) lol anywhoo be safe ... :P .......Dany