This week in Sudan.....
The LRA is moving again. The group out of Northern Uganda known for kidnaping and turning children into soilders, is extremely unpredictable and operates with seemenly no motive or rational - the one group who could immediately shut this program down. Already operations have been somewhat paralyzed by their mere presence in the country. Yei is relaitvely safe due to the size of the city and SPLA presence, not the same security, sad to say, for the other SP sub-bases spread across the south. Please join in prayer guys for the safety on the Sudanese's hard to swallow that, one day when I'm evacuated and flown to safety, the (best) friends I've made will have no where to run. Believe me when I tell you, Christ really is these people's refuge - Meanwhile we're worrying what performance our 401K is acheiving. Not a shot at any of us, Please don't misunderstand, just a call to re-evaluate my own perspective. As I sat and thought of what war would mean...ohh, thats tough. How could "this"...any of this work together for the good off thoes who love God? I couldn't help but go back to the heart of the Christians in Sudan, so resiliant and strong. Guys, I have to humbiliy admit..I'm missing it! Why will a family slaughter their only goat, the only source of nutrion they'll see for quite sometime, to feed these visitors with $120 shoes on. Why, will Simon or Aloro laugh and joke and smile and sing all day long when the only life they've known is hiding from soilders and providing for their family where their is no provision. The anwser is something clearly evident in every believer you'll meet in South Sudan. It's why God allows tradegy and heartbreak in our (you and me) lives. Without Faith it's impossible to please Him! I truly believe the abundant life Christ promises is found in the faith-filled life of a's what seperates Juma John and Opio Sam from me. Please, don't misunderstand this as a call for sympaty or a condimnation of how we enjoy "life" in America...I'll be the first in line for a fat cheeseburger and movie with my baby when I get back...just a mere observation the Lord gave me when I started feeling sorry for the Sudanese and thinking "I can help them." The plain truth is guys, there's is the life I pray for...the life I need to pray for - minus of couse the goat. The need for Christ is greatly intensified and realized when your faced with extremes. Either I live a life fearing death, struggling for survival - or I put all my trust and hope in Christ...All my trust and hope. The happy-medium may of us live in is non-existant over here, and praise God for that! Thank you guys for being a part of this adventure with me...lets go out and be radicals for Christ!
wilson joey (my Sudanese alter-ego)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
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Quit apologizing so much! Your observations are just that-YOURS! If your intent is to not offend and people get offended, that is on them and something they need to deal with. You are sharing based on what you see. Keep Christ in the center of all you're doing and when you write and you have nothing to worry about. Plus, I agree with you and it helps paint a picture of the real-life struggles the people there have and you have facing it.
Keep the faith,
John Stahl
P.S. Sorry if that offended you.
P.S.S> JUST KIDDING-now tell it like it is brotha!
Joey...Im so proud of you and what you're doing! You're allowing people to see the real struggles of other Christians, and it shows your heart for them and for the Lord! I love you! Im praying for you and all the people who will have to face such circumstances. Be safe! Mis u lots ~nelly~
great post Joe! I love you and look forward to serving along side you when you return!
Hey Joey hope your doing okay Buddy its really sad to even hear that this is happening again...i pary that God will truly have his hand over those families and kids.... Be safe Joey and ill deff be praying for ya luv ya bro and dont forget cant wait to see you and neither can you know Who ???(Vella POO) lol
P.S. Hey Paula i beat you to luv you guys
Father, we lift up these people / this nation and ask that Your mercy and protection be upon them. We pray Your Word over them ... You are their refuge and strength, a mighty help in time of trouble. We call unto You, O God ... forgive us for our sins, cleanse us from all unrightness, delivery us from evil, create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us ... You are mighty, O God, to the pulling down of strong holds ... In Jesus Name we pray and declare victory from the attack of the enemy for Your Body of Belivers around this world ... Amen and Amen
Love you Joey and we remain in prayer with you and SP team / ministry work
Nice blog Joe. WOW!! I can see how God is drastically changing your life. Just in reading your first blog and comparing it to this last one. So much depth and insight in this blog. I had to read it a second time because it was just so beautiful. Joe, God looked down on this earth and asked who will go to my people in sudan? and he chose you as that person who would amazing...holla
Hey everyone. I just blogged and God lead me to this message in a peculair chain of events. So this message is for someone out there. Everyone reading Joey's blog should really hear this teaching by calvary chapel bible college about Darfur
Go to (copy below with no blanks)
Go all the way to the bottom and click on file 091407 sept 14, 2007.
If it doesn't work-go to cc bible college website and go to ipod downloads and look for the file.
God bless. Joey if your able to download it I know you'll see God's call for you in this message. I mean did you hear this message before you went?
Thank you Joey for that "telling" update, your prayer partners will continue in prayer for peace for the Sudanese people, protection for the children and safety for the Samaritan's Purse teams in Africa. Your right, we do need to re-evaluate our priorities:
Luke 12:48
... For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
Your comment" the abundant life Christ promises is found in the faith-filled life of a believer"
touched my heart and soul profoundly...
Stay in the Word, continue to look to Christ for your strength and may Gods hand of protection continue to bless the Ministry's work in Sudan.
We love and miss on son
P.S. since you've been gone Dad & I have wished you a Happy Birthday, then Happy Thanksgiving, then Merry Christmas, now we send you a Valentine kiss and hug! XOXOOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO (well a few kisses & hugs but who's counting)
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