I'll start with the image that's been struck in my head for the past year.
Lainya is a payam 50 km East of Yei. Road Trip!

My friends
Background is a Church we were dedicating.


We'll always be friends....
Julius, little Paul, Aloro, Issac, Micheal
Two months in the field and this goes from "frozen cholera" to a sweet, sweet icy treat. 3 Refrigerators in the whole town, yet this guys bikes around with frozen sugar water...hmmm. Oh well, I'll

Typical 16x7m Church. Between the South (us) and the Nuba mtns, we've build over 200. Quite a feat our Lord has allowed us to participate it

Quad ride...almost made it to Congo. I actually fell off that day and sustained a minor concussion. Later in the day I found myself aimlessly walking through town. That's what aspirin's for...
Yei Hospital.
Sadly enough, it's been said that Southern Sudan has the highest infant/birth

This would be a last resort for any ex-patriot seeking medical treatment.
Dinner Time. Not bad...not great, but not bad.

The Indiana Jones plane we fly all around South Sudan in.
I hate this plane. It hates me.

Thanks baby.
FYI - I failed to bring my camera on trips to Cape Town, S.A. and Zanzibar, Tanzania (i forget a lot) Recap: Cape Town is far and away my favorite city in the world..fun downtown, striking mountains that lead to pristine beaches. Zanzibar, great backpackers spot. I got sick....really really sick, end of story.

I too can carry water on my head!
God Loves Sudan

Bedededdeedde that's all folks!
Friends, I hope that gives you a small glimpse of what I've seen, felt, and experienced over the past year. There's too much for one post so I'll add another before I see everyone in 2 weeks.
May God always lead us by His Spirit.....
God Bless you son for your heart.
What a wonderful, fruitful time you spent in Sudan, you will be missed there. We are all so excited about your return and the stories to follow. Stay well my friend and we pray for a legion of angels surrounding you with a hedge of protection on your journey home. See ya in 2 weeks...we can hardly wait!
We Love and miss you
Dad & Mom
Sorry Vella and Dani, I waited as long as I could to post a comment...Lov ya
Hey Crazy, Cute blog ya got there! :P The pictures were really good, seriously! ;) I love seeing all the lives you've touched and everything you've been invested in the last year! You have such a heart for the Lord's people, and are willing to go wherever He sends you! Please be safe and enjoy your last few weeks! I cant wait to see you and let you take me out to dinner! haha MIS U! Im praying for ya, always! I love you, Nelly
hahah i love you two !!!! Joey we are waiting for you with open arms !!!! i can say that Bella loves you very much and will be waiting for u as well !!! we are so proud of you buddy and thank you for being there for me when i needed your support on only things you and Bella dear know ....luv ya be safe and yay your almost home !!!!! : )
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