Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey Ya' goes it! So not a whole lot to update over here in these parts. Well, actually there's a whole lot goin - google news it if your interested. Just got back from Uganda this past week, I had to take the trip to Kampala to purchase a whole bunch of steel - 256 tons to be exact. Kind of a cool experience to be a part of that, kinda a cool experience to visit Uganda...kinda a cool experience to eat cheese and drink milk again. I think in the 3 1/2 days I was there I had 7 bowls of cereal and 9 servings of ice cream. My only problem is - if you couldn't tell - I have a bit of a problem overindulging...that wouldn't be that bad of a problem but if your not use to a particular food, say dairy, your body has a way of telling you. Anyhow, enough of that...sorry. Cool things I did in Uganda

  1. Ate at an authentic Indian restaurant...who knew Indian food was so tasty. I think shoe polish would have be nice at that point. Very good though.
  2. Rafted the Nile River. Probably one of the coolest things I've done in Africa....very intense class 4 and 5 rapids. After the all day trip I felt like I'd been in a 12 round fight.
  3. On the way to raft - Left Kampala at 7am and drove 90 minutes to Ginja - got to see the Ugandan country-side...Truly is the "Pearl of Africa"
  4. Ate Dairy....did I already say that?

But come Tuesday morning I was back in Yei plugging along. Something to note - I've developed quite an affinity for Yei. I'm comfortable's like I crave getting back to life as normal in Yei. Oh, by the way I was able to travel to South Sudan's capital city, Juba, a few weeks back. Wow, that city is nasty and expensive! I think the only thing left for me to truly become Sudanese is, 1) get Malaria and 2) eat goat intestines - both of which I plan on doing! and I thought drinking the water was a bad idea. Listen guys, you either commit fully or you don't! Bon appetite.

Thank you Lord for family, friends and thoes commited to Prayer. Love you guys so much!
