Friends, just some random observations for your enjoyment...
- Sudan is hot...go figure
- Contrary to my belief, Volleyball is the most popular sport in Yei. I play at a court very close to SP's compound and the competition is Amazing...6'5 small forwards galore
- The roads are "Not OK"
- As a whole, the people are incredibly friendly. Very different from Russia
- Women really DO carry everything on their heads, no neck rings though..sorry Lee
- it's snake season
- All our engineers are Kenyan, all carpenters Ugandan. Sudanese love driving and mechanics..and volleyball
- Tim Tebow won the Heisman
- the faith of the believers here is remarkable. we truly do worship the God of ALL
- mom hold on...there's a bad Ebola outbreak in northern Uganda
- River water tastes like liquorice and makes my stomach feel mushy
- 4-wheelers are fun
- Orphans are God's gift to whoever gets to experience them..not hard to fall in love
- Goat tastes bad
- the bananas here are so sweet. Great dietary substitute when goat is served
- Rice and beans every meal. by the way, no refrigeration so the meat has extra juices
- the only way to describe downtown Yei; An old western town you see in the movies after 20 years of neglect
- no such thing as a trash can in Yei
- USD, aside from Ugandan Shillings, is the only currency exchanged here. Take that Europe!
- I'm going to cape town in 7 days!!!! Cheese with every meal!
- I know I said this, but the people I've met have been the best part. It's funny how you can become such great friends with people in such small capsules of time, then in the blink of an moves on
- I miss all the people I Love, my grandpa especially...tell him I said that if you see him
- I miss my baby
- Ugandans have a funny way of speaking English...they'll phrase a statement in question form, then emphatically answer their own question/statement. If I ever start talking like that, do what?...Make me stop!
- I now know what a 70 hour work week feels like
- gunshots at night are not uncommon
- Grace changes your perspective
- the cultural divide is great...however, people are people
- I miss Calvary dearly
- My dad is smarter than I ever gave him and dad seem to get wiser the older I that a coincidence?
Well, just some thoughts I though you'd enjoy. Overall I doing great, the allergies have ceased and the food no longer does funny things with my insides. I'll be traveling to Cape Town, South Africa for Christmas so eat your hearts got Thanksgiving but I got Christmas. hopefully I can get a burger there, oh and a milkshake...umm, chocolate too. I forgot what milk even taste like. ok this is the point I cut myself off..Love you all, God is Good!
signing off, Joey-bag